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One of the best Insurance agency Ever!

Get the right protection to keep moving forward

From customized insurance to superior claims service, our people and technology will support you every step of the way. Join us today and experience why we're one of the best insurance companies.


Everything you need at one place!

Learn more about our services and coverages

At weservInsurance, we've built our Insurance around understanding what you need and what's important for you to protect. That's why we offer a wide range of insurance products to meet your specific needs, including customized coverages.



Still Confuse? Checkout some features of our agency.

Weserv Insurance is a fast-growing independent insurance agency in Texas. We have worked with 100 plus top-notch companies and Brokers. Weserv insurance is serving the Texas community for more than 9+ years. Our insurance agents are highly trained and professional.

About weserv Insurance

Doing The Right Thing At
The Right Time

weserv Insurance produces winning outcomes for franchisees and their customers by offering access to customized coverage solutions from a range of insurers paired with full back office and marketing support.

With weserv Insurance, you have options. Whether your intent is to operate a small agency on your own or build a large retail agency with multiple sales agents, we have franchise models tailored to meet your Insurance goals. And, you’ll have the flexibility to transition your agency as you grow.


strategy growth



What We Do

We make insurance easy for everyone

Why Choose us

Reason For Choosing Our Insurance Agency

Improve efficiency, provide a better customer experience with modern technology services available around the world. Our skilled staff, combined with decades of experience.

Quick Response


Flexible Payment

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Client's Testimonial

We are Very Happy to Get
Our Client’s Reviews.


This service has been SUPER helpful! I highly recommend it. That have amazing customer service. The dashboard is user friendly and very easy to understand. I love having my sidecar health card and being able to use it when I need it. Uploading receipts is easy too!

Couldn't be happier with Sidecar for my health insurance coverage. Keep up the great work and I will continue to spread the word.

For the first time I have insurance that isn't confusing! Love that it's transparent and that I can get care anywhere.

I am so happy with Side Car! I don't know why all health insurance companies can't be so easy to work with.